Re: Problems with compiling/executing atm program on Sun Workstation

Subject: Re: Problems with compiling/executing atm program on Sun Workstation
From: Aidan Heerdegen (
Date: Mon Jan 18 1999 - 23:31:27 MST

Jim Rosinski ( wrote:

> It seems that many users of the NCAR CCM are encountering "segmentation
> fault" problems when running the model or boundary dataset creation codes on
> non-Cray platforms. Very often the cause of the problem is that the machine
> on which they are running does not provide an adequate default stack memory
> limit. A first-try remedy to this problem is to put "limit stacksize
> unlimited" into the user's .cshrc file. I don't know how to do the
> equivalent thing under shells which are not tcsh or csh.

I have also had segmentation fault errors when using definesurf, but
sstinterp and interpic complete without any segmentation problems.

This is what I get when I run definesurf:

pc ~/ccm3: definesurf -t
 Overwriting existing SGH with hi-res topo
 Overwriting existing PHIS with hi-res topo
 ORO does not exist on netcdf file: Creating.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Definesurf seems to be writing the SGH and PHIS fields out with a 90 degree
shift in longitude i.e. the data for South America appears just east of Africa!

The ORO field is created but not filled.

I tried the stacksize command, and though the command seemed to work ok,
it made no difference to definesurf, which crashed anyway.

> There are 2 stack memory limits involved. The above solution only addresses
> the "soft limit", which sets the max allowed stack size to the "hard limit".

Because the fields that did output were a bit mangled, I suspect that
memory limits might not be my problem, plus the machine I am using it
on is shared by many users, and can't be rebooted at my whim.

> If all the above changes continue to result in seg fault problems, another
> thing to try is to make the default memory allocation for local variables
> static rather than stack-based at the application level. Using SUN's f77
> compiler for example, this is accomplished by deleting "-stackvar" from
> FFLAGS in the Makefile.

The pc (Power Challenge) is an SGI machinem and the -stackvar compiler
flag is not used.

Any help would be appreciated.


Aidan Heerdegen

Aidan Heerdegen           	Department of Geography                         Australian National University      
+61-2-6279 8150                 ACT 0200, AUSTRALIA

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