Warning message: "Incompatible redefinition "

Subject: Warning message: "Incompatible redefinition "
From: Sheo S. Prasad (ssp@CreativeResearch.org)
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 00:08:17 MST

Dear Colleagues:

I modified chem.F, cheini.F and comchem.h, and then recompiled. I now
get this warning message when building the code on a CRAY T90 machine.
To the best of my recollection I may not have gotten this error message
when doing every thing from scratch (but at the same time I cannot be
sure). The executable is created despite the warning. Even so, I am
reluctant to proceed with runs unless I am sure that the warning message
has no hidden risks. I should add that when rebuilding, I removed the
original chem.o and chemini.o files but let the corresponding *.d
remain. Now the warning message:

Macro "CRAY" has an incompatible redefinition.

  #define CRAY

CC-47 cpp: WARNING File = /work/u13338/ccm/run/obj/./misc.h, Line = 3
  Macro "CRAY" has an incompatible redefinition.

  #define CRAY

CC-47 cpp: WARNING File = /work/u13338/ccm/run/obj/./misc.h, Line = 3
  Macro "CRAY" has an incompatible redefinition.

  #define CRAY
The misc.h file the warning message refers to is :

#ifndef MISC_SET
#define MISC_SET
#define CRAY
#define PVP
#undef COUP_SOM
#undef COUP_CSM
#define SHELL_MSS
#define FORTFFT
#undef SPMD

Other relevant print out portions from the build run is as follows.

Building dependency for chemint.d
Building dependency for chemini.d
Building dependency for chem.d
cpp -I. -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/control -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../
src/dynamics -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/d
ynamics/eul -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/dom -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../
src/physics -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/cs
m_share -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/ccmlsm_share -I/work/u13338/ccm/bl
d/../src/lsm -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/m
athutil -I/usr/local/apps/netcdf-3.3.1/include -N -P
/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/physics/chem.F > chem.f
cpp -I. -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/control -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../
src/dynamics -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/d
ynamics/eul -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/dom -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../
src/physics -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/cs
m_share -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/ccmlsm_share -I/work/u13338/ccm/bl
d/../src/lsm -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/m
athutil -I/usr/local/apps/netcdf-3.3.1/include -N -P
/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/physics/chemini.F > chemini.f
cpp -I. -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/control -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../
src/dynamics -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/d
ynamics/eul -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/dom -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../
src/physics -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/cs
m_share -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/ccmlsm_share -I/work/u13338/ccm/bl
d/../src/lsm -I/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/m
athutil -I/usr/local/apps/netcdf-3.3.1/include -N -P
/work/u13338/ccm/bld/../src/physics/chemint.F > chemint.f
CC-47 cpp: WARNING File = /work/u13338/ccm/run/obj/./misc.h, Line = 3
  Macro "CRAY" has an incompatible redefinition.

  #define CRAY

CC-47 cpp: WARNING File = /work/u13338/ccm/run/obj/./misc.h, Line = 3
  Macro "CRAY" has an incompatible redefinition.

  #define CRAY

CC-47 cpp: WARNING File = /work/u13338/ccm/run/obj/./misc.h, Line = 3
  Macro "CRAY" has an incompatible redefinition.

  #define CRAY

Best regards.

(Sheo S. Prasad)
Website URL: http://www.CreativeResearch.org
Phone: 925/426-9341; Fax: 925/426-9417
e-mail: ssp@CreativeResearch.org

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