Re: PC-based runs

Subject: Re: PC-based runs
From: Mark Gibbas (mjgibbas@TASC.Com)
Date: Tue Jan 26 1999 - 04:17:19 MST

Greetings Frank,

At TASC we have run CCM3.6 on a "Lintel" box with the following features:

Linux 5.1
Dual-Processed PII 450s
384 MB Ram
Portland Group Compiler Suite

As configured above, it took less than 6 hours to do a 1 month run at T42.
We are currently building a small Beowulf computer with 8 PII450 processors
and 2GB of Ram, keep in touch an I'll let you know how it goes.


Frank Peacock wrote:

> Greetings
> I was wondering if anyone other than Peter Smolka in Muenster has
> successfully run CCM3 on a PC-based machine. If you have, would you mind
> letting me know of the specifics of your machine, the resolution of the
> model and the time it takes for a 1-day forecast.
> Thank you
> Frank Peacock
> Department of Meteorology
> Penn State University


Mark Gibbas MTS/Meteorologist Litton-TASC 55 Walkers Brook Drive Reading MA 01867

Office: 1-781-942-2000 x3188 Lab: 1-781-942-2000 x3105 Fax: 1-781-942-2571

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