problems with the pointer in the restart ...

Subject: problems with the pointer in the restart ...
From: Ana Gusmao (
Date: Fri Feb 05 1999 - 06:28:57 MST

  Dear Colleages,

  I am frequently using the restart sheme to ccm3.6,
  but from time to time I am having probblems some.

  I planned to run the model for 6 months, but the
  process was interrupeted for other systems runnig
   in the machine ...
  and the model stopped at the month 5.

  I tried to begin from the month 5 on ... but it
  didn't work. This kind of problem have already
  happend some other times.

  This is part of the output message :


 (MSSPNI): initializing mss history and restart pathnames
 mass store pathname for history files = /SILICON/csm/ccm3bld/lnd/hist
 mass store pathname for restart files = /SILICON/csm/ccm3bld/lnd/rest

 (OPNFIL): Successfully opened file /usr4/silicon/lnd.ccm3bld.rpointer
  on unit= 15
 (GETFIL): attempting to find local file lsmr_19830501_00000
 (GETFIL): using lsmr_19830501_00000 in current working directory
 (OPNFIL): Successfully opened file lsmr_19830501_00000 on unit=
 (LSMRES): attempting to read restart data
 grid characteristics:
    latitude points = 48
    maximun longitude points = 96
    minimun longitude points = 96
    total grid land points = 1607
    total grid land points incl subgrid points = 3418
 the big vector of 3418 points will be processed as 54
  little vectors
       53 little vectors with length 64
        1 little vectors with length 26
 (LSMRDREST_DYN): incompatibility in lsm and ccm restart dates
 nbstep from ccm = 21889
 nbstep from lsm = 24049
Fortran abort routine called
IOT Trap

   Any suggestion ?



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