Re: problems with the pointer in the restart ...

Subject: Re: problems with the pointer in the restart ...
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Fri Feb 05 1999 - 09:06:08 MST

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Ana Gusmao wrote:

> I am frequently using the restart sheme to ccm3.6,
> but from time to time I am having probblems some.
> I planned to run the model for 6 months, but the
> process was interrupeted for other systems runnig
> in the machine ...
> and the model stopped at the month 5.
> I tried to begin from the month 5 on ... but it
> didn't work. This kind of problem have already
> happend some other times.
> This is part of the output message :


> (LSMRDREST_DYN): incompatibility in lsm and ccm restart dates
> nbstep from ccm = 21889
> nbstep from lsm = 24049
> Fortran abort routine called
> IOT Trap
> Abort

Ana, the above means that the date for the restart pointer file for
LSM disagree's with the date for CCM. Look at the file


And it will have a date for month 4, while the lsm pointer
file has a date for month 5. These dates need to agree for the model
to work...

Also when we find an error condition we typically use the "abort"
function which causes the "IOT Trap" and etc. to occur. Typically
this also gives you a trace so it's easy to locate which files have
the error message.

Most (we thought all) error messages where listed on the CCM3 Users Guide at

You can also use the "navigation buttons to find the error messages or use
the search engine to find them. However, the one you listed is not there!
Apparently this one slipped through the cracks and isn't on, but we'll get
it in there...

Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324

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