Re: Climate Change and Ozone

Subject: Re: Climate Change and Ozone
From: Charlie Zender (
Date: Wed Apr 07 1999 - 15:06:59 MDT

Hello Art,

> Has anyone both control and GCC simulations with modified versions
> of CCM that do chemistry, trace aerosols, and mineral dust?

No simulation exists which does all of the above.
The standard CCM does not include prognostic chemistry. There is a
modified version which does sulfur chemistry and hence predicts
natural and anthropogenic sulfate aerosol (Barth, Rasch, and Kiehl,
Submitted to JGR). This sulfate version was used in recently completed
simulations of 1870--2100. Presumably these data will be released on
the CSM and/or CCM web pages after they have been evaluated. Other
aerosols, such as black carbon and mineral dust, have recently been
added. However, simulations with these aerosols are not as advanced as
the sulfate yet. Below is a reference to a paper on GCC chemistry

Hope this helps,

  author = {Guy P. Brasseur and Jeffrey T. Kiehl and
                  Jean-Fran\c{c}ois M\"{u}ller and Tim Schneider and
                  Claire Granier and XueXi Tie and Didier
  title = {Past and Future Changes in Global Tropospheric
                  Ozone: Impact on Radiative Forcing},
  journal = {\grl}, = Geophysical Research Letters
  year = 1998,
  key = {Brasseur98},
  volume = 25,
  number = 20,
  month = {oct},
  pages = {3807-3810},
  annote = {rvw rpr O3 gcc trg}

Charlie Zender      Voice: (303) 497-1445, FAX: 497-1400
NCAR ACD & CGD     E-mail:
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