Re: Climate Change and Ozone

Subject: Re: Climate Change and Ozone
From: Gerhard Gross (
Date: Tue Apr 13 1999 - 08:31:51 MDT

Dear Dr. Werner,

In response to your email to the CCM users group,

>models. Has anyone both control and GCC simulations with modified versions
>of CCM that do chemistry, trace aerosols, and mineral dust? Any suggestions

My PhD dissertation (completed in June 1997) was the insertion of a
tropospheric chemistry model into CCM 3.2. A publication describing
that work is due this Fall. I did not add trace aerosols, mineral dust
or any other particulate matter above what CCM already includes ( I
think CCM includes rudimentary aerosol code). If I can be of
some assistance to you please let me know.

Gerhard Gross

-- Black holes are where God divided by zero --

        X X
        X Gerhard W. Gross Ph.D. X
        X Global Change Research Program X
        X Department of Physics X
        X Portland State University X
        X P.O. Box 751 X
        X Portland, OR 97207-0751, USA X
        X phone: (503) 725-8398 X
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        X Days - Intel: (503) 264-6389 X
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