Inquiry on use of Land Surface Model (LSM)

Subject: Inquiry on use of Land Surface Model (LSM)
From: tangmc (
Date: Tue Apr 27 1999 - 07:45:35 MDT

Hi, friends:
        It seems that I' ve met a strange problem when I try to run a
off-line component model of CCM3, the Land Surface Model (LSM). After
produced the excutable program of the model, I found the function of '//',
(the operator to connect two character strings) doesn't work any more. To
confirm this problem, I added the following sentences in any of its units
(main or subroutines):

         character*10 word10
         word10 = 'aaaaa'//'bbbbb'
         write(*,*) word10

        However, I just got the output as aaaaa
        The result is Ok (i.e., aaaaabbbbb) if I run the above sentences
as a stand-alone program (All the programs are carried out on a DEC Alpha
workstation). I am really puzzled.
        I wonder if some of suggestions are available.
         Thanks in advances.

Weidong Guo
Lanzhou Institute of Plateau Atmospheric Physics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences
Lanzhou 730000
P.R. China


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