Re: Inquiry on use of Land Surface Model (LSM)

Subject: Re: Inquiry on use of Land Surface Model (LSM)
From: Jim Rosinski (
Date: Tue Apr 27 1999 - 11:21:53 MDT

On Tue, 27 Apr 1999, tangmc wrote:

> It seems that I' ve met a strange problem when I try to run a
> off-line component model of CCM3, the Land Surface Model (LSM). After
> produced the excutable program of the model, I found the function of '//',
> (the operator to connect two character strings) doesn't work any more. To
> confirm this problem, I added the following sentences in any of its units
> (main or subroutines):
> .........
> character*10 word10
> .......
> word10 = 'aaaaa'//'bbbbb'
> write(*,*) word10
> .......
> However, I just got the output as aaaaa

The problem is that the Fortran source is run through a preprocessor which
interprets "//" as a C++ comment, and throws away everything on the line
which comes after it. I know the DEC Fortran compiler has a flag to turn off
this behavior, but don't remember the syntax offhand.

Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

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