Lam Mpi

Subject: Lam Mpi
From: Boucher, Robert J. (
Date: Mon May 24 1999 - 12:53:16 MDT


I was wondering if anyone has had any success running the models with the
LAM MPI libraries on a LINUX system. I have been trying to implement it on
our system without much luck. The model runs extremely slow and when using
the top command to watch percentage of the processor is being used it
greatly fluctuates. I am using the mpich MPI libraries at this time and
they have worked well as long as I don't hook up more than six machines at a
time. Any more machines than that and the libraries become quite flaky. I
wanted to try the LAM libraries to see if they offered any better
performance. Any insight or personal experiences would be greatly



Robert J. Boucher Tel: 781-942-2000 X2893
Meteorologist Fax: 781-942-2571
Litton-TASC email:
55 Walkers Brook Drive
Reading, MA 01867-3297

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