Is CCM3.2 Y2K compliant? (fwd)

Subject: Is CCM3.2 Y2K compliant? (fwd)
From: John del Corral (
Date: Mon Jun 07 1999 - 18:30:28 MDT

CCM3 Users,

Is CCM3.2 Y2K compliant? It looks like CCM3.6 is, but we
are not sure about CCM3.2.

My question may be more refined by asking does NNBDAT have
to be YYMMDD in CCM3.2 or can it be YYYYMMDD? If it has
to be YYMMDD, is 000501 acceptable for May 1, 2000?

Are there any other pitfalls in CCM3.2 when forecasting
beyond Dec. 31, 1999?

Thanks for any help on this.


John del Corral IRI, Scripps Inst. of Oceanography, UCSD
+1 619 822-1738 9500 Gilman Dr., Dept. 0235
+1 619 534-8087 (FAX) La Jolla, CA 92093-0235,

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