shade under sun

Subject: shade under sun
From: Bernard Nemry (
Date: Tue Jun 08 1999 - 09:28:05 MDT


The problem I described a month ago is not yet solved !

Since this time, I have made several tests to be sure that NetCDF is
properly installed,
Now, I have really no reason to think that the problem comes from this

Using a SUN, I have modified build.noncray.csh with:
- LIB_NETCDF and INC_NETCDF = adequate paths
- substitute make to gmake (which is unknown command with
    system SunOS, release 5.7, machine sun4u)

This results in:

    make: Warning: Ignoring DistributedMake -j option
    make: Fatal error: No dmake max jobs argument after -j flag

- substitute gnumake to make

This results in the problem already mentioned in my previous mail:

    Undefined first referenced
     symbol in file
    main /opt/SUNWspro/SC4.2/lib/crt1.o

Finally, the questions are:
- what 'gmake' stand for ?
- what is the role of option '-j' ?
- what is the role of file crt1.o ?

And my last question :
Do I ask the right questions ?

Thank you in advance for any remark.


Bernard NEMRY (
Laboratory for Planetary and Atmospheric Physics

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