Re: about the netcdf for ccm3 run on Linux pgf77 ?

Subject: Re: about the netcdf for ccm3 run on Linux pgf77 ?
From: Andres Calderon (
Date: Sat Jun 22 1996 - 20:15:33 MDT

Hi Alen,

All you need to do is to set the right flags for the compiler in the
Makefile of the CCM and the Netcdf library as well.
I'm sending a copy of the Makefile and a test script for the model.
Be carefull setting the flags for the Netcdf library; if you make
a mistake there, the model wont be able to read the input files.

Fernando Vega
IDEAM - Colombia

PD : For the library, just use the same flags shown in the Makefile
for the model.

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