CCM3 and netcdf on PC

Subject: CCM3 and netcdf on PC
From: Jim Rosinski (
Date: Tue Jun 29 1999 - 16:42:08 MDT

CCM users;

I just received an email from a user who did a more thorough investigation
than I regarding building netcdf on a Linux PC. Thought it might be of
interest to the general community. Name withheld.

Jim Rosinski
CCM Core Group

> The instructions for compiling NetCDF on various Linux platform
> combinations (e.g. with pgf77 or g77) can be found at:
> The pgf compiler instructions there are:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Linux using Portland Group's pgf90 compiler
> <someone> reported that the following settings
> worked when used in conjunction with the new
> src/fortran/cfortran.h file that will be in the next release:
> CC=/usr/bin/cc
> CPPFLAGS=-DpgiFortran
> FC=pgf90
> FFLAGS="-g -w"
> CXX=/usr/bin/g++

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