Courant Error in OUTPUT

Subject: Courant Error in OUTPUT
From: Ana Gusmao (
Date: Thu Oct 21 1999 - 15:03:37 MDT

  Dear CCM users,

  We are proceding some text with the ccm3.2 in an CRAY,
  and we've gotta a problem in Original Courant limit,
  this problem didn't stop the model run,
  but we would like to know what is happening.
  We are using a T42 resolution.

 Down below follows a piece of the output.


 NSTEP = 2020 8.896034873533479E-05 6.937226565436976E-06 252.766
9.84685E+04 2.505197680703225E+01 1.00 0.14 COURLIM: *** Courant limit
exceeded at k,lat= 1 11 (estimate = 0.999), solution has been truncated to
wavenumber 41 ***
 *** Original Courant limit exceeded at k,lat= 1 11 (estimate = 0.999) ***
 NSTEP = 2021 8.895927320952575E-05 6.937910347203075E-06 252.764
9.84685E+04 2.504950883137474E+01 1.00 0.14
 NSTEP = 2022 8.895833873206766E-05 6.938420151310262E-06 252.763
9.84685E+04 2.504659600965090E+01 1.00 0.14
 NSTEP = 2023 8.895747088079418E-05 6.939468844367812E-06 252.761
9.84685E+04 2.504458945478063E+01 1.00 0.14
 NSTEP = 2024 8.895642597529828E-05 6.939018158753387E-06 252.761
9.84685E+04 2.504279339199093E+01 1.00 0.14
 NSTEP = 2025 8.895557586833603E-05 6.939277112740248E-06 252.759
9.84684E+04 2.504107763681020E+01 1.00 0.14
 NSTEP = 2026 8.895462471055155E-05 6.940158569795625E-06 252.758
9.84684E+04 2.503996447002191E+01 1.00 0.14 COURLIM: *** Courant limit
exceeded at k,lat= 1 11 (estimate = 0.999), solution has been truncated to
wavenumber 41 ***
 *** Original Courant limit exceeded at k,lat= 1 11 (estimate = 0.999) ***
 NSTEP = 2027 8.895338380014283E-05 6.937683158377217E-06 252.758
9.84684E+04 2.503956276792530E+01 1.00 0.14 COURLIM: *** Courant limit
exceeded at k,lat= 1 11 (estimate = 1.000), solution has been truncated to
wavenumber 41 ***
 *** Original Courant limit exceeded at k,lat= 1 11 (estimate = 1.000) ***
 NSTEP = 2028 8.895235372795600E-05 6.937561251956685E-06 252.757
9.84684E+04 2.503890312458748E+01 1.00 0.14 COURLIM: *** Courant limit
exceeded at k,lat= 1 11 (estimate = 1.000), solution has been truncated to
wavenumber 41 ***

   An suggestion are wellcome



     Ana Gusmao & Anita Drumond
     University of Sao Paulo,
     Dep. Meteorology
     Phone: (55)(021)(11)(8184713)
                      (11)(8184714) FAX

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