ccm single precision

Subject: ccm single precision
From: Ghan, Steven J (
Date: Fri Oct 22 1999 - 16:16:12 MDT

I am in the process of coupling CCM3 with a global chemistry model, and would
like to run with single-precision to reduce the memory load involved with
carrying all of the chemical species. I know from past experience with CCM2 that
double precision is needed in subroutines gauaw and phcs, but that doesn't seem
to be a problem with CCM3 because those routines are now explicitly coded using
real*16. However, I am running into some other problems that may take some time
to wade through, so I'd like to know if anyone has successfully run CCM3 in
single precision (that is, with little difference in the climatology of the
simulation from a double-precision simulation), and if they could share how they
did it. I'd prefer not to go through the same process of identifying the
necessary mods if someone already has done it.

-Steve Ghan

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