asking help

Subject: asking help
From: bueh (
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 01:45:46 MST

Dear CCM users,

the initial data(e.g.,ccmi_00010101_00000,convert it to CDF format via
ccm2nc tool) generated by ccm3 model run are different from the initial
data(e.g., provided by NCAR ccm3 group. SO we failed to
run this model using model generated initial data.

The Dimension Format of 4-dims variables in the initial data provided by
ccm3 group is (time,lat,lev,lon), whereas that of model generatd initial
data (time,lev,lat,lon).I am very gratefull if anyone let me know how to
solve this problem.

Sincerely yours
Cholaw Bueh

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