Re: asking help

Subject: Re: asking help
From: Govindasamy Balasubramanian (
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 11:20:20 MST

Hi Cholaw Bueh:

Use the following command to convert to netcdf:

ccm2nc -r8 -xz ccmi....

ASD, L-103
LLNL, Livermore
CA 94550
On Nov 16, 4:45pm, bueh wrote:
> Subject: asking help
> Dear CCM users,
> the initial data(e.g.,ccmi_00010101_00000,convert it to CDF format via
> ccm2nc tool) generated by ccm3 model run are different from the initial
> data(e.g., provided by NCAR ccm3 group. SO we failed to
> run this model using model generated initial data.
> The Dimension Format of 4-dims variables in the initial data provided by
> ccm3 group is (time,lat,lev,lon), whereas that of model generatd initial
> data (time,lev,lat,lon).I am very gratefull if anyone let me know how to
> solve this problem.
> Sincerely yours
> Cholaw Bueh
>-- End of excerpt from bueh

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