climate modeling book

Subject: climate modeling book
From: Philip Mote (
Date: Thu Feb 03 2000 - 14:48:13 MST

Dear CCM users,

longtime readers of this list might remember that two years ago, a
workshop on climate modeling was held in Italy under the auspices of NATO.
The workshop featured projects in which the CCM3 was run on workstations
at the hotel (which will be the subject of a BAMS article later in the
spring.) As part of the aftermath of that workshop, a book has been
produced entitled "Numerical Modeling of the Global Atmosphere in the
Climate System" and includes chapters by CCM/CSM gurus David Williamson
and Byron Boville.

This book examines the workings of modern atmospheric general circulation
models (GCMs) and lays out guidelines for using and interpreting GCM
output and for designing experiments with GCMs. Part I covers some
philosophical background, including a formal framework for analyzing
climate model output and designing GCM experiments. Part II covers the
numerics of a GCM, including the most important parameterizations. Part
III discusses applications of GCMs, including paleoclimate modeling,
seasonal predictions, and climate change. More details and the table of
contents are available at

The book goes on sale later in the year at steep prices ($96 for
paperback), which is unfortunate because we envision it as a handbook for
modelers rather than just a library book. The publisher does, however,
offer a prepublication price of $48. If you're interested, send e-mail to
Wil Bruins <> BEFORE FEBRUARY 14

If this sounds a bit like a sales pitch, our apologies. We're not making
a dime from the book, just hoping it will be useful to people.

Philip Mote Alan O'Neill

                    Philip Mote, PhD
             JISAO/SMA Climate Impacts Group
      Box 354235, Univ. of Wash. Seattle WA 98195
        phone (206) 616-5346 fax (206) 616-5775

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