Using PVM to submit a CCM3.2 parallel job

Subject: Using PVM to submit a CCM3.2 parallel job
From: Qiaozhen Mu (
Date: Sun Jul 09 2000 - 19:29:07 MDT

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am runnig the CCM3.2 on the IBMSP which is RS6K. The UNIX system it
uses is AIX4.3. There are 2 I/P modes and 10 computing modes. There are 8
CPUs on each computing mode. Since the CCM3.2 uses PVM to submit a parallel
job. I don't know how to submit a job with PVM to do a parallel job on
the IBMSP with 8 modes(64 CPUs). I have tried many methods, but failed.

I made a node8 file. It contains the modes on which I want to run
the CCM3.2. Then I give the following commands:

a). rsh node1 (then cd to the corresponding directory where the
                ccm3bin, namelist.init and the node8 files exist)
b). pvm -nhnode1 node8
c). nohup ccm3bin<namelist.init&

When I use the conf to see the job, at the very beginnig, I can see
every mode is on. Then a moment later, only the node1 is left. And the
speed is very low. Someone has used the CCM3.2 on the dawing
1000(RS6K) with 8 modes. And there is only 1 CPU per mode. The UNIX
system on the dawing is AIX4.2. The same method to submit the parallel
job. The speed is nearly 6 steps per minute. But using the IBMSP, no
more than 2 steps per minute. I am the first using the PVM to do the
parallel job on the IBMSP. Those using the IBMSP doing paralllel job
using MPI to do that thing. They said the speed is very high. And the
CPU speed is higher than the CPU speed of the dawning 1000. Nearly 8
times per CPU. Perhaps the job I submit is running only on 1 CPU of 1
mode!(Though there are 8 CPUs per mode.) I don't know the reason. I
tried to submit the job with only one mode. The same speed. I have
used the PC to do the job. Nearly 5 steps per minute.

Someone told me to use a .cmd to submit the parallel job. The same
speed as the above method(no more than 2 steps per minute). And it
failed to use 8 modes. It said it couldn't find the pvmd.299 under the
/tmp directory. Or it said it couldn't use PVMLIB. How to make a .cmd
file to submit a parallel job? What version of PVM software should I
use on the IBMSP(AIX4.3)? The administrator doesn't know anything
about the PVM software. He downloaded the PVM from a website. I don't
know anything about the PVM, either.

I am very urgent to run the CCM3.2 to do my doctoral dissertation.
Please help me. Thanks a lot.

Best regards,
 Qiaozhen Mu
 Department of Geophysics
 Peking University
 Beijing 100871

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