Extended AMIP2 SST dataset released with data through Aug/1998

Subject: Extended AMIP2 SST dataset released with data through Aug/1998
From: Erik Kluzek (erik@ucar.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 10 2000 - 11:52:15 MDT

CCM Users

      Several projects have had need for an extended SST dataset beyond
Feb/1996. Working with PCMDI (Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and
Intercomparison) we were able to extend the AMIP2 SST dataset through August/1998.
This would allow simulations to run through August/16, 1998.

      Several "ccm-users" have also requested this dataset. And we have now
released it for public use. It is available from the CCM3 "source" page under the
AMIP2 datasets. A note is also in the "CCM3 News" section at...


Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324
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