ccm3.3.6 output question

Subject: ccm3.3.6 output question
From: Uma S. Bhatt (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 18:55:01 MDT

Dear CCM users
   In my monthly (and 12 hourly output auxiliary file for totlwp) file
the following two variables are zero. These files are output from
the atmospheric component (ccm3.6.6) as part of CSM 1.2 (interactive
atm and land, data ice and ocean).

totlwp (1 level) Vertically-integrated actual liquid water path length
cloud (18 levels) Cloud fraction

Should I be really concerned? Any ideas on why this is happening? My
other cloud variables look reasonable.

Uma Bhatt

Uma S. Bhatt email:
International Arctic Research Center
Frontier Research System for Global Change
University of Alaska, Fairbanks Room 408H IARC building
930 Koyukuk Dr.
P.O. Box 75-7335 tel: (907) 474-2662
Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-7335 fax: (907) 474-2643

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