Re: ccm3.3.6 output question

Subject: Re: ccm3.3.6 output question
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Wed Aug 23 2000 - 21:52:20 MDT

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Uma S. Bhatt wrote:

> In my monthly (and 12 hourly output auxiliary file for totlwp) file
> the following two variables are zero. These files are output from
> the atmospheric component (ccm3.6.6) as part of CSM 1.2 (interactive
> atm and land, data ice and ocean).
> totlwp (1 level) Vertically-integrated actual liquid water path length
> cloud (18 levels) Cloud fraction
> Should I be really concerned? Any ideas on why this is happening? My
> other cloud variables look reasonable.

Well, the outfld calls for these two fields are in tphysbc.F. For
a variable to be output it has to have both a "addfld" to initialize
it and a "outfld" call to actually write data to the file. If you have
a "addfld" call without a "outfld" call you get data "written" out that
is equal to zero.

Now, in the standard distribution, the outfld call for totlwp is
commented out. So if you want it output you have to explicitly uncomment
it out. However, there is a outfld call for CLOUD, so I'm not sure
why it wouldn't be output. Especially, if the other cloud fields are
output, because there is a IF statement that applies to both. If you
completely turned the radiation off, you wouldn't get any data for
CLOUD. That's the only explaination I can give. Look at your code
and make sure you have a valid outfld call for CLOUD in

Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324
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