Installing CCM3.6.6 on the Cray T3E

Subject: Installing CCM3.6.6 on the Cray T3E
From: In-Sun Song (
Date: Mon Jan 08 2001 - 14:26:33 MST

Recently, I'm trying to install and set up CCM3.6.6 on the Cray T3E..
but in the User's Guide, I saw "In addition to Cray PVP machines, CCM3.6

is supported on SGI, SUN, and HP architectures in both shared-memory and

distributed-memory (MPI) variants. Hooks also exist for T3D/E and RS6K
machines, but the former no longer works with the migration to netCDF
(described below).....".

does it mean that NetCDF does not work on the Cray T3E?

I've installed NetCDF on the CrayT3E. but I didn't test it except for
running shell script, make test.

If you have some experiences about this, could you inform me of that?

looking forward to your response

Song, In-Sun
Ph. D. Student
Laboratory for Mesoscale Dynamics
Department of Atmospheric Sciences
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
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