deletion of NINAVG option in ccm3.10.11

Subject: deletion of NINAVG option in ccm3.10.11
From: Chul Eddy Chung (
Date: Fri Mar 16 2001 - 14:27:22 MST

Dear CCM3 users,

I have been using ccm3.10.11 (version for cluster architecture), which does not
include the running option "ninavg" in the namelist.

Does the absense of this option mean 'A' (average over nhtfrq) for all the
outputs? If I want to use 'I' or 'X' instead of 'A', what do I need to do in view
of the absence of this option?

Chul Eddy Chung:      (homepage)
Postdoc with Ramanathan, Center for Atmospheric Sciences
Scripps Institution of Oceanography,                UCSD
Tel) 858-822-1356                      Fax) 858-534-7452

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