history File question

Subject: history File question
From: Kucharski Fred (kucharsk@ictp.trieste.it)
Date: Fri Mar 16 2001 - 07:19:26 MST

I'm running the ccm3.6.6 (T42) and want to output e.g. 10-day-mean
data. In a first attempt I intended to put 6 10-day-mean data
on the first history file (h0001), using settings like
 dtime = 1200.
 nhtfrq = -240
 mfilt = 6
 nelapse = -360
 irt = 0
So I expected the the file h0001 to comprise the first two month of the

But looking at the atm_log file, I had the impression, that the
h0001 file contained the initial data plus 5 10-day-means, so
that it contained only 5 weeks, whereas the following files
(e.g. h0002) contained as expected 2 months. Can someone clearify
this confusion? Does setting

nefilt = .true.


                             Fred Kucharski


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