CCM3 interpic Linux

Subject: CCM3 interpic Linux
From: Helfried Scheifinger (
Date: Sun Jun 03 2001 - 06:05:16 MDT


I have been trying to compile the ccm3 tools (interpic, definesurf
and interpsst) on a Linux platform (SuSE 6.4).
When I combined Hong’s with Erik Kluzek's suggestions (Feb. 8 2001)
the request for the netcdf.h file disappeared,
the compilation continued and stopped with the
following messages:

Building dependency for wrap_nf.d
gcc: warp_nf.F90: linker input file unused since linking not done
Building dependency for main.d
Building dependency for lininterp.d
gcc: lininterp.F90: linker input file unused since linking not done
Building dependency for lencs.d
gcc: lencs.F90: linker input file unused since linking not done
Building dependency for gauaw.d
gcc: gauaw.F90: linker input file unused since linking not done
Building dependency for fmain.d
gcc: fmain.F90: linker input file unused since linking not done
Building dependency for bsslzr.d
gcc: bsslzr.F90: linker input file unused since linking not done
Building dependency for addglobal.d
make: *** No rule to make target 'features.h', needed by 'addgloabl.o'.

It seems that the features.h file is not present (I could not find it) or
it is not produced.

Does anybody have a suggestion, what to do?

Helfried Scheifinger
Carminweg 6/2/9
A - 1210 Vienna

I used the following modified version of the Makefile (for interpic):

# This Makefile is for building interpic on a CRAY, SGI or SUN.
# Note: If the NetCDF libraries and include files are not in /usr/local/lib
# and /usr/local/include then define the environment variables
# LIB_NETCDF and INC_NETCDF to point to the proper locations.
# Note: VPATH only looks in the current directory !!!!
# Create file named Filepath for multiple search paths

# Set up special characters
null :=
space := $(null) $(null)

# Check for the NetCDF library and include directories
ifeq ($(LIB_NETCDF),$(null))
LIB_NETCDF := /usr/netcdf/lib

ifeq ($(INC_NETCDF),$(null))
INC_NETCDF := /usr/netcdf/include

# Check for directory in which to put executable
ifeq ($(EXEDIR),$(null))

# Hardwire the name of the executable
EXENAME := interpic

# Determine platform
UNAMES := $(shell uname -s)
UNAMEM := $(findstring CRAY,$(shell uname -m))

# Load dependency search path. Use local directory unless File Filepath exists.

dirs := .
FILEPATH := $(wildcard Filepath)
ifeq ($(FILEPATH),Filepath)
dirs := $(dirs) $(shell cat Filepath)

# Set cpp search path.
cpp_dirs := $(dirs) $(INC_NETCDF)
cpp_path := $(foreach dir,$(cpp_dirs),-I$(dir)) # format for command line

# Expand any tildes in directory names. Change spaces to colons.
VPATH := $(foreach dir,$(cpp_dirs),$(wildcard $(dir)))
VPATH := $(subst $(space),:,$(VPATH))

# Get list of files and determine objects and dependency files
FIND_FILES = $(wildcard $(dir)/*.c $(dir)/*.F90 $(dir)/*.F)
FILES = $(foreach dir, $(dirs),$(FIND_FILES))
SOURCES := $(sort $(notdir $(FILES)))
OBJS := $(addsuffix .o, $(basename $(SOURCES)))
DEPS := $(addsuffix .d, $(basename $(SOURCES)))

# Linux specific flags and rules according to
  FC = pgf77
  FFLAGS = -DLinux $(cpp_path) -r8 -i4 -O2 -Mrecursive -Kieee -Mdalign
  LDFLAGS = -L$(LIB_NETCDF) -lnetcdf
RM := rm

CC := gcc

.SUFFIXES: .F90 .c .o .F

        $(FC) $(FFLAGS) $<

        $(CC) $(CCFLAG) -o $@ $<

        $(FC) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LDFLAGS)
        $(RM) -f *.o $(EXEDIR)/$(EXENAME)
        $(RM) -f *.o *.d $(EXEDIR)/$(EXENAME)

#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# These rules cause a dependency file to be generated (using cpp)
# for each source file. Files contained in the ccm distribution are
# the only files which are considered in generating each dependency. The
# following filters are applied to exclude any files which are not in the
# distribution (e.g. system header files like stdio.h).
# 1) Remove full paths from dependencies. This means gnumake will not break
# if new versions of files are created in the directory hierarchy
# specified by VPATH.
# 2) Because of a) above, remove any file dependencies for files not in the
# ccm source distribution.
# Finally, add the dependency file as a target of the dependency rules. This
# is done so that the dependency file will automatically be regenerated
# when necessary.
# i.e. change rule
# make.o : make.c make.h
# to:
# make.o make.d : make.c make.h

%.d : %.c
        @echo "Building dependency for $@"
        @$(CPP) -M $(cpp_path) $< | head -1 | sed -e \
        's/\:.*\//:\ /' > $@

%.d : %.F
        @echo "Building dependency for $@"
        @$(CPP) -M $(cpp_path) $< | sed -e \
        '/\/usr\/include\//d' -e 's/\:.*\//:\ /' -e 's/$*.o/& $@/g' > $@

%.d : %.F90
        @echo "Building dependency for $@"
        @$(CPP) -M $(cpp_path) $< | sed -e \
        '/\/usr\/include\//d' -e 's/\:.*\//:\ /' -e 's/$*.o/& $@/g' > $@

# if goal is clean or realclean then don't include .d files
# without this is a hack, missing dependency files will be created
# and then deleted as part of the cleaning process
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), realclean)
ifeq ($(MAKECMDGOALS), clean)

-include $(DEPS)


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