fsnsc and fsntc

Subject: fsnsc and fsntc
From: Bala Govindasamy (bala@llnl.gov)
Date: Wed Aug 29 2001 - 14:28:24 MDT

Hello users of CCM3:

In the subroutine, radcsw, that does SW calcualtions, fsnt, fsns, fsntc
and fsnsc are calculated as follows

  fsnt(i) = fsnt(i) + solflx(i)*(fluxdn(i,1) - fluxup(i,1))
  fsns(i) = fsns(i) + solflx(i)*
     $ (fluxdn(i,plevp) - fluxup(i,plevp))

fsntc(i) = fsntc(i) + solflx(i)*(fluxdn(i,0)-fluxup(i,0))
fsnsc(i) = fsnsc(i) + solflx(i)*(fluxdn(i,2)-fluxup(i,2))

The level indexes differ for all sky and clear sky computations.
Is this right?

Dr. Bala Govindasamy
L-103, Atmospheric Science Division
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
CA 94550
Ph.: 925 423 0771
Fax: 925 422 6388
Email: bala@LLNL.GOV; bala_indu@yahoo.com

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