Re: CCM3.10 vs CCM3.2

Subject: Re: CCM3.10 vs CCM3.2
From: Erik Kluzek (
Date: Tue Sep 18 2001 - 11:02:15 MDT


> I have been running CCM3.10 on a Linux Beowolf cluster.
> I am interested in answers to the following 2 questions:

First of all I assume you mean the CCM3.10.11 branch with CCM3.6.6 physics
correct? As announced in...

> 1. Are there significant differences between CCM3.10 and CCM3.2?

As far as code or as far as science? The code is quite a bit different.
The difference in simulations are the documentated differences between
CCM3.2 and CCM3.6. See the CCM news page...

for info on the differences. Note that there aren't significant changes
in the climate. Compare for example the cases...

/ROSINSKI/csm/ccm3/ccm3527 (new model -- bit-for-bit with CCM3.6.6)


/OLSON/ccm3/sld012b (old model -- bit-for-bit with CCM3.2)

Note, the CCM3.10.11 branch code was tested to be bit-for-bit with the
CCM3.6.6 code.

> 2. If so, is there a version of CCM3.2 that runs on the above
> architecture?

Not at NCAR anyway...

Erik Kluzek, (CGD at NCAR)
National Center for Atmospheric Research
Boulder CO, (off) (303)497-1326 (fax) (303)497-1324
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