cloud fraction & cloud water variables in tphysbc

Subject: cloud fraction & cloud water variables in tphysbc
From: Norm Wood (
Date: Thu Sep 20 2001 - 07:28:59 MDT


I'm working to make some diagnostic radiative transfer
calculations on cloudy columns produced by CCM3.10.11.
To do these, I need to pull out fractional cloudiness,
cloud liquid water path and cloud ice water path.

After looking at tphysbc and section 4.1 of TN-420, I think
the variables I need are cld, clwp and fice.

If I'm reading things correctly, clwp is the in-cloud
water path (liquid + ice), while actlwp is the cloud water
path diluted over the entire grid cell.

I would really appreciate it if someone could confirm my



Norm Wood

Department of Atmospheric Science Colorado State University phone: 970-491-3334

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