CCM2 experiment 422

keith hines (
Wed, 20 Apr 94 14:04:28 EDT

Date: Wed, 20 Apr 94 14:04:28 EDT
From: keith hines <>
Message-Id: <>
To: ccm-users@ncar.UCAR.EDU
Subject: CCM2 experiment 422

Dear CCM2-users,

There appears to be a problem with the surface geopotential output data
for CCM2 experiment 422. For AMIP (Atmospheric Model Intercomparison
Project), at the Byrd Polar Research Center, we have been looking at the
output from over the period from Dec. 1978 through 1989 on the
MSS directory /CSM/ccm2/422/hist. No clear representation of Antarctica
is present in the surface geopotential data. Furthermore, the surface
geopotential should be fixed in time, yet the values change from
one output time to the next. The same geopotential data appears in
different latitude strips at different times. If you have encountered
this problem before, I would appreciate some advice. Can the data be
corrected by switching the order of the latitude strips? I have not checked
the other fields such as temperature and surface pressure. Are these fields
OK or do they have the same problem?

Keith Hines
Byrd Polar Research Center
Ohio State University