CCM2 on a Cray

Norman Barth (norman@aeolus.UCSD.EDU)
Thu, 21 Apr 94 13:48:47 -0700

Date: Thu, 21 Apr 94 13:48:47 -0700
From: norman@aeolus.UCSD.EDU (Norman Barth)
Message-Id: <9404212048.AA04285@aeolus.UCSD.EDU>
To: ccm-users@ncar.UCAR.EDU
Subject: CCM2 on a Cray

Recently I asked the User's Group if anyone had ported CCM2 to a Cray
other than the one at NCAR. With the very kind help of Jyn-Wen Hwu
at the National Taiwan University, I have now done this for both
CCM2, and CCM2 with BATS. Its not too difficult to do, and I have
made a list of the necessary changes. I also have scripts to
run, restart, etc.

If anyone is interested in this list of changes & scripts simply
send me a message ( and I'll forward this information
to you.

You will also need to have the various files SEP1, tibds, tvbds, etc
in Cray binary. We now have these files in Cray, IEEE, and DEC binary.
Send me a message, and I can make them available to you.

- Norman

Norman Barth; Scripps Institution of Oceanography;
Climate Research Division, Mail Code A024, La Jolla,
CA 92093-0224; (619).534.8033 (office) 534.8561 (fax) (internet)