hopefully the last on estabv.mods

Uma Bhatt (bhatt@meeker.ucar.edu)
Wed, 29 Jun 94 10:00:23 MDT

From: bhatt@meeker.ucar.edu (Uma Bhatt)
Message-Id: <199406291600.KAA17246@meeker.ucar.EDU>
Subject: hopefully the last on estabv.mods
To: ccm-users@ncar.ucar.edu (ccm users group)
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 94 10:00:23 MDT

Hi ccmusers,
Here I am again with my latest findings:
I could not understand why my 30 day runs with and without estabv
changes resulted in the exact same output (TS, PRECC, PRECL).
Another user who found differences between her runs with and without
estabv.mods was kind enough to let me look at her decks. I compared their
decks to the ones I was running. I found that they had hydro set to T
while I had the hydro set to F.
I ran 2 30-day runs with hydro=T. In one run estabv.mods was included and the
in the other estabv.mods was not included. I plotted the 30 day average of TS,
PRECC, PRECL, and the differences of the 2 runs. And this time I found that
the differences were not zero as they have been when hydro=F.
Have the other people who have found differences between their 2 cases also
set hydro=T? Have the people who have set hydro=F found any changes? Any
ideas on why estabv.mods would only have an effect when hydro=T?
