Re: CCM1 land/sea mask wanted

Ben Foster (
Mon, 19 Sep 1994 08:49:55 -0600

Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 08:49:55 -0600
From: Ben Foster <>
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: CCM1 land/sea mask wanted

> I am currently working on CCM1 data processing from CCM1 2xCO2 experiment
> and I need to calculate land and sea statistics seperately. I need land
> sea mask for CCM1 in form 0-ocean, 1-land, or any other form giving
> information about land and ocean distribution in CCM1 R15. Thanks in
> advance for your help!
> Regards,
> Jozef Syktus Phone: +61 3 586 7548
> CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, Fax: +61 3 586 7600
> Private Bag No. 1, Mordialloc, Telex: AA 34463
> Victoria 3195, Australia Internet:

There is a land/sea mask in ncar graphics, so you could separate them
in post-model processors.

Ben Foster High Altitude Observatory (HAO) phone: 303-497-1595 fax: 303-497-1589
Nat. Center for Atmos. Res. P.O. Box 3000 Boulder CO 80307 USA