Re: CCM1 land/sea mask wanted

Charlie Zender (
Mon, 19 Sep 1994 12:46:14 -0600 (MDT)

From: (Charlie Zender)
Message-Id: <9409191846.AA04646@flamenco.cgd.ucar.EDU>
Subject: Re: CCM1 land/sea mask wanted
To: (CCM Mail Group)
Date: Mon, 19 Sep 1994 12:46:14 -0600 (MDT)

> I am currently working on CCM1 data processing from CCM1 2xCO2 experiment
> and I need to calculate land and sea statistics seperately. I need land
> sea mask for CCM1 in form 0-ocean, 1-land, or any other form giving
> information about land and ocean distribution in CCM1 R15. Thanks in
> advance for your help!
> Regards,
> Jozef Syktus Phone: +61 3 586 7548
> CSIRO Division of Atmospheric Research, Fax: +61 3 586 7600
> Private Bag No. 1, Mordialloc, Telex: AA 34463
> Victoria 3195, Australia Internet:

have you tried using the ORO field? if not, ORO sounds like just what you
need---and it's output by the CCM1 by default so you should already
have it on your history tapes.
it's defined as 0. for ocean, 1. for land, and 2. for sea ice.
if you are worried about the distinction between land and sea ice,
you can use the ccm processor to make a derived field where you've
set all the sea ice to either land or ocean. processor docs are
freely available from the ncar gopher and web.

good luck,

Charlie Zender                Tel: (303) 497-1612 
NCAR/CGD/CMS Rm ML-320        fax: (303) 497-1324
P.O. Box 3000       
Boulder CO 80307-3000