USA boundary

Zong-Liang Yang (
Thu, 26 Jan 95 12:20:09 MST

From: (Zong-Liang Yang)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: USA boundary
Date: Thu, 26 Jan 95 12:20:09 MST

Dear All,

This is a question regarding NCAR plotting package.

The NCAR graphics can plot the USA boundary on a map.
Does anyone know how to print out the latitude and longitude
of the USA boundary also on a map? Or where is the
latitude-longitude information stored? If it is in a file,
it would be more useful.

Thanks in advance.


Zong-Liang Yang                             __         
Institute of Atmospheric Physics        __  | | 
PAS Building #81                        | | | |
The University of Arizona               | | | |
Tucson AZ 85721                         | |_| |
USA                                     \___  | __  
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Phone: +1 602 621 6619                      |  ___/
Fax:   +1 602 621 6833                      | | 
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