Re: CCM2 history tape index?

CCM Group Directories (ccm@sage.cgd.ucar.EDU)
Tue, 18 Jul 1995 08:29:21 -0600 (MDT)

From: ccm@sage.cgd.ucar.EDU (CCM Group Directories)
Message-Id: <>
Subject: Re: CCM2 history tape index?
To: (Jon Ahlquist)
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 1995 08:29:21 -0600 (MDT)
In-Reply-To: <> from "Jon Ahlquist" at Jul 18, 95 08:46:38 am

>I would like to clarify a request made by my graduate student,
>Shuangxi Xu, yesterday. We are looking for the history tapes
>of CCM2 runs made from observed sea surface temperature
>boundary conditions, not only the SSTs. We are also looking
>for history tapes for the longest "public domain" run made
>with seasonally varying climatological SST boundary conditions.
>Is there any index of such history tapes some place?
>Jon Ahlquist (
>Dept. of Meteorology
>Florida State University
>Tallahassee, FL

The information you want is contained in the NCAR Technical Note
NCAR/TN-391 by Gloria Williamson. This, along with all other
CCM2 documentation is available via the network (see attached

CCM Core Group


THE CCM2 DOCUMENTATION AVAILABLE IN POSTSCRIPT FORM. ----------------------------------------------------

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These files may be downloaded from the CGD Gopher server at:

.../USA/Colorado/NCAR/NCAR-UCAR Divisions/CGD/Processor/documentation/...

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