CCM3.10 Model Output Variables UV, VU and VZ

Subject: CCM3.10 Model Output Variables UV, VU and VZ
From: Joe Barsugli (
Date: Wed Jan 23 2002 - 17:55:08 MST


I am trying to set up the NAMELIST to choose the variables I want output to
the various history files for ccm3.10 (branch w/ 3.6 physics). I have read
the web documentation and I am a bit confused by two points.

1. In the web documentation for model output datasets (section 2.5) the section
on "derived variables" lists two variables whose name is "VZ" with different
units. What does "VZ" actually refer to?

2. Both "VU" and "UV" are listed in the table as "product of meridional
and zonal winds". Are these redundant?


Joe Barsugli :: :: 303-497-6042
Climate Diagnostics Center :: University of Colorado

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