varialbles in CCM3.10 history files

Subject: varialbles in CCM3.10 history files
From: Qiaozhen Mu (
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 07:48:56 MST

Dear all hands,

Sorry to bother you again. I want to select some variables to keep in the
history files from CCM3.10. We have referred to the variables the CCSM AMWG
diagnostics package observational/renanlysis datasets and the AMIPII standard
output. I am not sure for some varibles' names in CCM3.10 history files
corresponding to the names in the two sites. And some variables in the CCM3.10
are just newly added. .

I failed to include them into the history files. I would like to ask you for

(I) First for the CCSM AMWG diagnostics package observational/renanlysis

1. What's the names in the CCM3.10 for the ECMWF datasets "PREH2O"(also in NCEP,
NVAP and SSM/I datasets), "EP" and "FLDS"? Does PREH2O mean precipitation? Is it
PRECC+PRECL? What's the difference between PRECT and PRECC+PRECL?

2. The corresponding names in the CCM3.10 for the ERBE and NCEP data "SWCF" and
"LWCF"? And I have tried to add the newly added fields of "FLUT" and "FLUTC",
"FSNTOA" and "FSNTOAC" to the CCM3.10 history files, but I failed. How can I add
the newly added fields into the atmospheric history files? "FLUT" and "FLUTC"
are just the examples. I have many other newly added fields to include in the
history files. And the meaning of "SURF WIND" in NCEP? Does this mean the

3. What's the meaning of "TOBS" for the HadCRU observation data? And the
correspoding one in the CCM3.10?

(II). For the variables in the the AMIPII standard output list.

the names in CCM history files for the following ones,

PCMDI name Variable Title Units

mpwhusa Mean product of vertical motion and specific humidity (Pa/s)(kg/kg)
mpuua Mean product of eastward wind and eastward wind m2/s2
mpvva Mean product of northward wind and northward wind m2/s2
tnt Temperature tendency due to total diabatic heating K/s
tntsw Temperature tendency due to SW radiation K/s
tntlw Temperature tendency due to LW radiation K/s
tntmc Temperature tendency due to moist convective processes K/s
tntdc Temperature tendency due to dry convective processes K/s
tntlsp Temperature tendency due to stratiform clouds K/s
tnmrd Moisture tendency due to diabatic processes (total) (kg/kg)/s
tnmrc Moisture tendency due to convective processes (kg/kg)/s
tnmmugwd Eastward momentum tendency due to gravity wave drag m/s2
tnmmvgwd Northward momentum tendency due to gravity wave drag m/s2
tnmmuc Eastward momentum tendency due to convection m/s2
tnmmvc Northward momentum tendency due to convection m/s2
tnmmutot Eastward total diabatic tendency of momentum m/s2
tnmmvtot Northward total diabatic tendency of momentum m/s2

mrfso Total soil frozen water content kg/m2
mrsos Surface soil water content (upper 0.1m) kg/m2
mrso Total soil water content (H2OSOI in LSM?) kg/m2
snc Snow cover %
sic Sea-ice concentration (ORO?) %
uas Surface (10m) eastward wind m/s
vas Surface (10m) northward wind m/s
huss Surface specific humidity (2m) kg/kg
rsds Surface incident shortwave radiation (positive downward) W/m2
rsus Surface reflected shortwave radiation (positive downward) W/m2
rlds Surface downwelling longwave radiation (positive downward) W/m2
rlus Surface upwelling longwave radiation (positive downward) W/m2
rsdt TOA incident shortwave radiation (positive downward) W/m2
rsut TOA reflected shortwave radiation (positive downward) W/m2
rlut Outgoing longwave radiation (positive downward) W/m2
rtmt Net radiation at model top (positive downward) W/m2
rsdscs Surface incident clear-sky shortwave radiation (method II) W/m2
rsuscs Surface reflected clear-sky shortwave radiation (method II) W/m2
rldscs Surface downwelling clear-sky longwave radiation (method II) W/m2
rlutcs TOA clear-sky longwave radiation (method II) W/m2
rsutcs TOA reflected clear-sky shortwave radiation (method II) W/m2

enek Total kinetic energy (per unit area) J/m2
moa Total relative angular momentum (per unit area) kg/ s
torts Total surface torque (including mountain torque) N/m
ta Temperature (mass-weighted vertically average) K
evsps Evaporation and sublimation (per unit area) kg/(m2s)

(III) Some variables in the CCM.
1.VU: Product of meridional and zonal winds, unit: m2/s2.

  UV(new): Product of meridional and zonal winds, unit: m2/s2

What's the difference beween these two? How to include UV(newly added) into the
atmospheric history files?

2. VZ: Product of meridional and height, unit: m2/s
   VZ: Meridional transport of gravitational potential energy, unit: m3/s3
 Why are there two VZ in the document? I only want the mean product of northward
wind and geopotential heigh whose unit is m2/s, which is the right one? In the
history file such as, the VZ is described as the following,
         double VZ(time, lev, lat, lon) ;
                VZ:_FillValue = 1.e+36 ;
                VZ:units = "M3/S3" ;
                VZ:long_name = "Meridional transport" ;
                VZ:time_op = "average" ;

What can I do?

And in the history files got from the atmospheric model, there are PRECC and
PRECL, and there are QPRECC and QPRECL from the land surface model. What's the
difference between them? I have got the difference between them, but there is
big difference. Why are there the same meaningful variables in both of the
models? And what's the z0h+d height in the land surface model?

These things has puzzled me for a long time. I would like to ask for your help
to solve them. Perpahs you don't know all of these things, BUT if you really
know some of them or even only one, PLEASE DO HELP me. I need help from you
urgently. Thanks a lot.

I look forward to receiving your help. Thanks.

Best regards,

*The University of Texas at Austin *
*Institute for Geophysics *
*4412 Spicewood Springs Rd., Bldg. 600*
*Austin, Texas 78759-8500 *
*phone:(512) 471-0462 *

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