Re: varialbles in CCM3.10 history files

Subject: Re: varialbles in CCM3.10 history files
From: Joe Barsugli (
Date: Wed Feb 20 2002 - 15:32:31 MST

> Dear all hands,
> Sorry to bother you again. I want to select some variables to keep in the
> history files from CCM3.10. We have referred to the variables the CCSM AMWG
> diagnostics package observational/renanlysis datasets and the AMIPII standard
> output. I am not sure for some varibles' names in CCM3.10 history files
> corresponding to the names in the two sites. And some variables in the CCM3.10
> are just newly added.
> .

The version of ccm3.10 that I am using does NOT correspond to the
documentation on the web in regard to the "default" variables or to the
"master list" of variables. It seems to have the ccm3.6 variable lists
instead. You can look at the bldfld.F90 subroutine for the list of master
variables (or look at the textual output from the model run). To find out the
defaults you can look at h_default.F90, or start a 1 month run with default
output and look at the textual output.

FYI, I am using the model that I downloaded in the file
ccm3.10.11.brnchT.366physics.7.tar, downloaded in November 2001. To my
knowledge, this is the latest version available on the NCAR website.

Joe Barsugli (

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