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User's Guide to NCAR CCM3.6 Search Page

3. CCM3.6 Internals
    3.6 Disk and Mass Store File Management

3.6.3 Issuing Shell Commands from the Model

File operations that cannot be handled with Fortran library calls are accomplished by issuing shell commands from within the model code.  This is done via ishell on Cray machines and system on other machines.  The number of these calls is minimized by making use of the Fortran interface to commands such as mswrite. However, no such interface routine exists to pre-allocate space on Cray PVP machines. This is done with the setf command, which has no Fortran interface. 

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest3 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:37:25 $ $Author: erik $