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3. CCM3.6 Internals
    3.6 Disk and Mass Store File Management

3.6.2 Use of the NCAR Mass Storage System

When run on any of the NCAR computer systems, CCM3.6 uses the NCAR Mass Store System for archival storage of  output datasets. Input and output datasets are copied between local disk and the MSS and accessed either via Fortran-callable routines, or via a shell command.  Data are staged from the MSS to disk via msread (available both as a Fortran routine or a shell command).  These requests are issued as synchronous operations. Hence, the model will wait until an msread is completed before resuming execution. However, mswrite commands (which stage data from disk to the MSS) are normally issued asynchronously for efficiency reasons.  Asynchronous writes to the MSS are made by calling NCAR-specific routine mswrite with the nowait option. This allows the time integration to continue without having to wait for the file to reach the Mass Store.

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest2 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:38:53 $ $Author: erik $