A sample ftp session might look like:
Name: anonymous
password: username@domain
cd ccm
get ccm3.6.6.code.tar.gz
get ccm3.6.datasets.tar.gz
Note that username@domain represents the user's email address and bin instructs ftp to set a binary transfer.
The file ccm3.6.6.code.tar.gz contains code, documentation and build scripts. This file must first be uncompressed with the GNU gunzip utility and then "untarred" as follows:
gunzip -c ccm3.6.6.code.tar.gz | tar xvf -
mkdir ccm/data; cd ccm/data
gunzip -c ../../ccm3.6.datasets.tar.gz | tar xvf -
The above command both uncompresses and "untars" the code and data into a ccm
subdirectory. The directory hierarchy for "ccm" is as
Table 2.1: Directory Hierarchy
bld/ | Scripts to build and execute the model |
src/ | Directory of FORTRAN and "C" source code |
src/physics | Physics routines (e.g., radiation, convection) |
src/control | Control code |
src/ccmlsm_share | Code shared between the LSM and the CCM (e.g., getting mass store files, calculating dates) |
src/dynamics | Dynamics routines shared by both Eulerian and Semi-Lagrangian dynamics |
src/dynamics/eul | Eulerian dynamics |
src/dynamics/sld | Semi-Lagrangian dynamics |
src/spmd | Distributed-memory message passing implementation shared by both Eulerian and Semi-Lagrangian dynamics |
src/spmd/eul | Distributed-memory message passing implementation of Eulerian dynamics |
src/spmd/sld | Distributed-memory message passing implementation of Semi-Lagrangian dynamics |
src/lsm | Land Surface Model |
src/som | Slab Ocean Model |
src/dom | Data Ocean Model |
src/csm_share | Code shared by all the geophysical model components of the Climate System Model (CSM) |
src/csm_share/msg | Code for CSM message passing |
src/mathutil | Math utilities needed for non-NCAR machines (primarily the FFT library) |
src/srchutil | Search utilities needed for non-CRAY machines (corresponding to CRAY-intrinsic array search utilities) |
doc/ | Documentation for CCM3.6 and the Land Surface Model |
data/ | Directory where datasets are untarred |
tools/ | Directory of tools for input dataset manipulation |
tools/interpic | Code for interpolating initial condition datasets both vertically and horizontally |
tools/definesurf | Code to create the required input fields ORO, PHIS and SGH on an existing initial condition dataset |
tools/interpsst | Code for creating resolution specific input SST datasets |
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