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User's Guide to NCAR CCM3.6 Search Page

2. Using CCM3.6

2.1 How to Build and Run CCM3.6.6

2.1.1 Obtaining the Source Code and Datasets

It is assumed that the user has access to the utilities UNIX tar and Free Software Foundation gunzip and gnumake.  We have successfully tested the model with several versions of gnumake from 3.68 to 3.76.1. However older (or newer) versions of gnumake may not work correctly, notably we have found that gnumake 3.77 does not correctly build the model. The source code along with input datasets are located on the NCAR anonymous ftp server ftp.ucar.edu (IP address in subdirectory ccm/. These files are also available on the World Wide Web under the URL:


A sample ftp session might look like:

ftp ftp.ucar.edu
Name: anonymous
password: username@domain
cd ccm
get ccm3.6.6.code.tar.gz
get ccm3.6.datasets.tar.gz

Note that username@domain represents the user's email address and bin instructs ftp to set a binary transfer.

The file ccm3.6.6.code.tar.gz contains code, documentation and build scripts. This file must first be uncompressed with the GNU  gunzip  utility and then "untarred" as follows:

                gunzip -c ccm3.6.6.code.tar.gz | tar xvf -
                mkdir ccm/data; cd ccm/data
                gunzip -c ../../ccm3.6.datasets.tar.gz | tar xvf -

The above command both uncompresses and "untars" the code and data into a ccm subdirectory. The directory hierarchy for "ccm" is as follows:

 Table 2.1:  Directory Hierarchy
Directory name
bld/ Scripts to build and execute the model
src/ Directory of FORTRAN and "C" source code
src/physics Physics routines (e.g., radiation, convection)
src/control Control code
src/ccmlsm_share Code shared between the LSM and the CCM (e.g., getting mass store files, calculating dates) 
src/dynamics Dynamics routines shared by both Eulerian and Semi-Lagrangian dynamics 
src/dynamics/eul Eulerian dynamics
src/dynamics/sld Semi-Lagrangian dynamics
src/spmd Distributed-memory message passing implementation shared by both Eulerian and Semi-Lagrangian dynamics
src/spmd/eul Distributed-memory message passing implementation of Eulerian dynamics
src/spmd/sld Distributed-memory message passing implementation of Semi-Lagrangian dynamics 
src/lsm Land Surface Model
src/som Slab Ocean Model
src/dom Data Ocean Model
src/csm_share Code shared by all the geophysical model components of the Climate System Model (CSM)
src/csm_share/msg Code for CSM message passing
src/mathutil Math utilities needed for non-NCAR machines (primarily the FFT library)
src/srchutil Search utilities needed for non-CRAY machines (corresponding to CRAY-intrinsic array search utilities)
doc/ Documentation for CCM3.6 and the Land Surface Model
data/ Directory where datasets are untarred
tools/ Directory of tools for input dataset manipulation
tools/interpic Code for interpolating initial condition datasets both vertically and horizontally
tools/definesurf Code to create the required input fields ORO, PHIS and SGH on an existing initial condition dataset
tools/interpsst Code for creating resolution specific input SST datasets

Sub Sections

    2.1.1 Obtaining the Source Code and Datasets
    2.1.2 Creating and Running the Executable
    2.1.3 Running the Distributed Memory Implementation
    2.1.4 Definition of Model Run Types (initial, restart, branch)

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest3 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:37:45 $ $Author: erik $