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2. Using CCM3.6
    2.4 Example Namelists

2.4.3 Example 3 -- Restart Run, 30 Days

The following example restarts the run given in Example 1 and simulates another 30 days. Since NHTFRQ=72, a time sample of data will be written to the history file once per day (with a timestep of 1200 seconds, 72 timesteps equals one day). Also, because the default value of NINAVG is used (i.e. NINAVG(1)='A'), each variable in the time sample will be averaged over the previous 72 timesteps (except ORO and PHIS which are always instantaneous).

NOTE: in a restart run, aside from changing NSREST and NESTEP or NELAPSE, the exact same namelist should be submitted as was used in the initial run.

 CASEID = 'run01'
 CTITLE = 'Test run: climatological SST'
 NCDATA = 'SEP1.T42.0198.nc'
 BNDTVS = 'T42M5079.nc'
 BNDTVO = 'ozn.0596.r8.nc'
 NSWRPS = 'passwd'
 IRT    =    100
 NSREST =      1
 NDENS  =      2
 NNBDAT = 000901
 NNBSEC =      0
 NNDBAS =      0
 NNSBAS =      0
 MFILT  =     20
 DTIME  =   1200.
 NELAPSE =   -30
 NHTFRQ =     72
 INCORBUF = .false.
 INCORHST = .false.
 INCORRAD = .false.
 IYEAR_AD = 1950
 finidat = 'arbitrary initialization'

CASEID must be the same as the case, which is being continued.
NSREST=1 indicates a "restart" run, which starts from the most recent restart datasets and continues the case.
This run, as a continuation of the previous one-day simulation, will start at the beginning of day 2 and run for 30 days, ending after day 31, i.e., NELAPSE=-30 means "run 30 days beyond the end of the previous run." This could also be specified by setting NESTEP=-31(days) or NESTEP=2232 (timesteps), assuming a DTIME of 1200 seconds.

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