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2. Using CCM3.6
    2.4 Example Namelists

2.4.2 Example 2 -- Initial Run, T21

Input variables shown in this example request an "initial" run.   The model has been compiled to run at T21 resolution using input datasets created with the interpolation tools provided with the distribution.  History files are not packed and no files will be archived.  This namelist has no NCAR specific functionality and is suitable for running on non-NCAR machines.

 CASEID = 'run02'
 CTITLE = 'Test run'
 NCDATA = 'SEP1.T21.nc'
 BNDTVS = 'SST.T21.nc'
 BNDTVO = 'ozn.0596.r8.nc'
 IRT    =      0
 DTIME  =  1800.
 NSREST =      0
 NDENS  =      1
 NNBDAT = 000901
 NNBSEC =      0
 NNDBAS =      0
 NNSBAS =      0
 MFILT  =     20
 NESTEP =     72
 NHTFRQ =     72
 IYEAR_AD =  1950
 INCORBUF = .true.
 INCORHST = .true.
 INCORRAD = .true.
 finidat = 'arbitrary initialization'

No history or restart files will be archived. If there is no connection to an archival device, IRT should be set to zero and output datasets will be written to disk.  If this variable is non-zero, the model will build an archival command that it will execute as a shell command.
The initial dataset SEP1.T21.nc is interpolated from the T42 resolution dataset provided with the distribution by the utilities, interpic and definesurf.   interpic interpolates a CCM history file in netCDF format to a user-specified resolution.   definesurf sets required CCM surface fields SGH, PHIS, and ORO based upon a high-resolution dataset (file topo.nc provided with the distribution model datasets).  An example sequence of commands to produce SEP1.T21.nc would be:
interpic -v -x64 -y32 SEP1.T42.0198.nc SEP1.T21.nc
definesurf -v -t topo.nc SEP1.T21.nc
See the section on Sec. 2.3.1 "Atmospheric Component Datasets" for more information regarding these utilities.
The default T42 ozone dataset can be used with any resolution run. The model will interpolate the dataset to the correct resolution.
The time varying sea surface temperature (SST) dataset SST.T21.nc is created using the utility interpsst provided with the distribution.   interpsst interpolates the 2X2 degree SST dataset (STRsst2x2.nc) provided with the utility.  An example command to produce SST.T21.nc would be:
interpsst -v -x64 -y32 STRsst2x2.nc SST.T21.nc
See the section on Sec. 2.3.2 "Ocean Component Datasets" for more information regarding this utility.
No packing will be performed.  Packing can only be enabled (i.e. set to a value greater than 1) on an NCAR Cray.
1800 seconds is an appropriate timestep for T21 resolution.
 Resolution-dependent namelist variables that should be changed are: DTIME , DIF2 ,  and DIF4. 

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