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2. Using CCM3.6
    2.3 Model Input Datasets

2.3.2 Ocean Component Datasets

The ocean component can be run in one of two ways, as a data ocean model, which reads input sea surface temperature data, or as a slab ocean model, which computes SST's. Running With the Data Ocean Component

Running the data ocean component requires a time-variant SST dataset. The standard SST dataset contains 12 monthly time samples. The model can also read multi-year SST datasets.  The SST dataset is specified by namelist variable BNDTVS.

An SST dataset on a 128 X 64 transform grid (T42) is provided with the CCM3.6 dataset tar file. This dataset is named T42M5079.nc Producing Initial Condition Datasets at Various Resolutions

In order to run the  model at other horizontal resolutions, a utility program has been included to create a SST dataset at whatever resolution the user wishes.  Directory ccm/tools/interpsst (created when untarring ccm3.6.code.tar) contains code to interpolate a netCDF format SST file to any gaussian 2-D grid specified by command-line arguments. The user is referred to README files in the above directory for further information and specific instructions on how to build and run these utilities.  An example sequence of commands to produce a horizontally interpolated T21 SST dataset would be:
            interpsst  -x 64   -y 32   T42M5079.nc   sst.T21.nc

In addition to the standard T42 resolution SST file, the Shea, Trenberth, Reynold  (NMC/CAC) dataset STRsst2x2.nc has also been provided in the ccm/tools/interpsst directory.  This dataset uses the Reynolds SST climatology (the COADS/ICE climatology) and includes improvements in the regions of the Gulf Stream and Kurishio Current, i.e. reinstated more realistic horizontal temperature gradients.  (The T42 SST dataset provided with the distribution was derived from the Shea, Trenberth, Reynold dataset. ) Running with the Slab Ocean Model Component

This section documents an unsupported feature of the current distribution.  Code and full documentation will be provided in the future. 

To configure the model to run with a slab ocean model requires the setting of the  cpp token COUP_SOM in the misc.h file. The SOM input fields ocean mixed layer depth and ocean mixed layer heat flux are shown below.  These fields replace the sea surface temperature field of the standard SST dataset. Mixed layer depths are specified from observations and never change from one SOM run to the next. Mixed layer heat flux depends upon a control run, and thus can vary from one SOM run to the next (the user would need to calculate them unless the standard control is used). Ocean mixed layer heat flux simulates deep water heat exchange and ocean transport. The mixed layer depth and heat flux evaluation is described fully in the model description (Kiehl et. al., 1996).

Table 2.9: Slab Ocean Model Time-Varying Boundary Dataset Fields
History file Field Name
Variable Name
Single Level Fields
QO Q Ocean mixed layer heat flux (W/m2) 
(12 monthly averages)
MLD ho mixed layer depth (m) (12 monthly averages)

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$Name: ccm3_6_6_latest2 $ $Revision: $ $Date: 1999/03/25 21:38:06 $ $Author: erik $