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2. Using CCM3.6

2.3 Model Input Datasets

CCM3.6 is a combination of atmosphere, land, and ocean components. Input datasets needed for the atmospheric component define initial state and ozone boundary data. The land component requires initial state data over land only. If the ocean component is run as a slab ocean model (SOM) it requires initial state and boundary data, whereas if it is run as a data ocean model (DOM), it requires SST input data. The default ocean configuration is the data ocean model. All initial state and boundary data are in netCDF format. All time-varying input datasets (e.g. ozone boundary dataset) are based on 365 days per year with no leap years.

Initial and ozone boundary data for the atmosphere component is specified via the CCMEXP namelist variables NCDATA and BNDTVO, respectively. The ocean boundary dataset is specified via the CCMEXP namelist variable BNDTVS. Finally, the initial land dataset is obtained from the LSMEXP namelist variable FINIDAT. Initial state data are only provided at T42 resolution.

See "Obtaining the Source Code and Datasets" for information describing how to obtain these datasets.

2.3.1 Atmosphere Component Datasets

The atmospheric component requires initial conditions and ozone datasets. Initial Conditions Dataset

The, initial conditions, dataset is specified by namelist variable NCDATA. This dataset contains initial values of prognostic variables (U,V,T,Q,PS, and TS1 through TS4), the surface geopotential field (PHIS), the orography flag (ORO), and the standard deviation of geopotential height (SGH). Required initial fields are outlined in the table below.  By default, the model writes an instantaneous history file containing these fields each simulated month (controlled by namelist variable INITHIST) for possible use as an initial dataset in another run.  In order to use one of these files as an initial dataset, the utility ccm2nc must first be run to convert it to netCDF format.

Table 2.7: Atmospheric Component Initial Dataset Fields
History file 
Field Name
Variable Name
Multi-Level Fields
T T temperature  (K)
U u zonal wind component (m/sec)
V v meridional wind component  (m/sec)
Q q water vapor specific humidity (KgH2O/Kgair) 
Single Level Fields
PHIS   surface geopotential (m2/s2)
PS Ps surface pressure  (Pa)
SGH SGH standard deviation of geopotential height  (m)
ORO ORO surface type flag: 
= 0 over ocean 
= 1 over land 
= 2 over sea ice
TS1,TS2,TS3,TS4 Ts Four subsurface temperature levels  (K)  
(TS1 is surface temperature)
All fields are instantaneous values.  In addition to the prognostic fields, the initial dataset contains information on the time for which the data are valid, the dimensionality of the fields, the spectral truncation, and the latitudes, longitudes, and vertical levels of the data.

When running with the SOM, the standard initial dataset is replaced by a SOM initial dataset. In addition to the initial fields shown above, the SOM initial dataset requires a sea ice thickness (SICTHK) and snow cover (SNOWH) to initialize the ice component of SOM as shown below.

Table 2.8: Additional Slab Ocean Model Initial Dataset Fields
History file 
Field Name
Variable Name
Single Level Fields
SICTHK hi sea ice thickness (m)
SNOWH hs Snow cover (liquid water equivalent) (m)
An 18-level initial dataset on a, 128 X 64, transform grid (T42) is provided with the CCM3.6 dataset tar file. Producing Initial Condition Datasets at Various Resolutions

In order to run the  model at other horizontal or vertical resolutions, utility programs have been included to create an, initial conditions, file at whatever resolution the user wishes.  Directory ccm/tools/interpic (created when untarring ccm3.6.code.tar) contains code to interpolate a netCDF format CCM3 history file to a 3-D grid specified by command-line arguments. If a horizontal interpolation is performed (by specification of -x and/or -y command line arguments) the required input field ORO will not be produced on the output file.  Otherwise, ORO will be produced. ORO is a land/ocean/sea-ice  discrete flag field for which horizontal interpolation would be meaningless.  For the case where ORO is not produced,  the user must then refer to directory ccm/tools/definesurf .  This directory contains code to read a high-resolution topography dataset  and produce the required input fields SGH, PHIS, and ORO on an existing CCM3 history file in netCDF format.  The high resolution topography dataset is named topo.nc and is included with the standard CCM datasets tar file. The user is referred to README files in the above directories for further information and specific instructions on how to build and run these utilities.  An example sequence of commands to produce a horizontally interpolated T21 initial dataset would be:
            interpic  -x 64   -y 32   SEP1.T42.0198.nc    SEP1.T21.nc
            definesurf  -t  topo.nc  SEP1.T21.nc

Because of the horizontal interpolation from T42 to T21,  both of the above commands  are required and must be run in the indicated sequence for a complete initial dataset to be produced.  interpic interpolates the initial prognostic fields and definesurf creates the T21 ORO field from the high resolution topography. Ozone Dataset

The ozone boundary dataset contains ozone volume mixing ratios. These values are interpolated to the model vertical levels at each model grid point. The ozone dataset is in netCDF format and contains the fields PS and OZONE PS is a constant 1000 mb pressure field.  The ozone dataset is specified by namelist variable BNDTVO

Sub Sections

    2.3.1 Atmosphere Component Datasets
    2.3.2 Ocean Component Datasets
    2.3.3 Land Surface Model Input Datasets

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