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User's Guide to NCAR CCM3.6 Search Page

2. Using CCM3.6
    2.4 Example Namelists

2.4.7 Example 7 -- Run with Multiyear SST Dataset

This is a 10-year run using a multi-year SST dataset.  The base date and time information (NNBDAT and NNBSEC) for the model run must fall within the time frame covered by the SST dataset.   In this case, the namelist variable  SSTCYC is set to false in order to retrieve SST data for the proper year and month of the model run.  When SSTCYC is set to true the model ignores year information and only cycles over the first twelve months of data. 

 CASEID = 'run07'
 CTITLE = 'multiyear SST (AMIP)dataset'
 NCDATA = 'SEP1.T42.0198.nc'
 BNDTVS = 'sst_jan1978-sep1993.nc'
 BNDTVO = 'ozn.0596.r8.nc'
 NSWRPS = 'mypass'
 IRT    = 3650
 RIRT   = 365
 NDENS  = 2
 NNBDAT = 19790901
 SSTCYC = .false.
 MFILT  = 10
 NELAPSE = -3650
 NHTFRQ = 72
 IYEAR_AD = 1950

 finidat = 'CCM3.3LSMICSEP1_with_drng.nc'

This dataset must contain multiyear SST data for the time period over which the model will be integrated. In this example the base date of the run is determined by NNBDAT. If an end-of-file is read on the SST dataset, the code will abort rather than rewinding to recycle the data as in a single-year dataset.
These variables set the base date and seconds of the model run to SEP 1, 1979 to be commensurate with dates on the SST dataset. If not input, the base date from the initial dataset will be used as the simulation base date.
Setting SSTCYC to .false. indicates that a multiyear SST dataset will be input.
This is the T42 LSM initial dataset for SEP 1. Again the SEP 1 dataset is used to correspond with the CCM model start date.

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