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User's Guide to NCAR CCM3.6 Search Page

2. Using CCM3.6
    2.4 Example Namelists

2.4.6 Example 6 -- Initial Run, with additional fields

The following namelist specifies an initial run with changes to the default primary history file. Changes include adding certain fields that are in the Master Field List (see Table 2.13 ) to the primary history file, and making all of the values in the file instantaneous. Other optional changes are described below.

 CASEID = 'run06'
 CTITLE = 'CCM3 standard run'
 NCDATA = 'SEP1.T42.0198.nc'
 BNDTVS = 'T42M5079.nc'
 BNDTVO = 'ozn.0596.r8.nc'
 NSWRPS = 'mypass'
 IRT    = 1825
 RIRT   = 365
 NDENS  = 2
 NNBDAT = 000901
 MFILT  = 10
 NELAPSE = -30
 NHTFRQ  = 72
 NINAVG  = 'I'
 IYEAR_AD = 1950

 finidat = 'arbitrary initialization'

History files will be archived with a retention period of 5 years.
Restart datasets will be archived with a retention time of 365 days.
All fields on the history file will be instantaneous values.
This list defines additional fields on the primary history file.  These fields must be in the Master Field List, and the appropriate calls to subroutine outfld must be uncommented. See "Adding New Variables" for more information.

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