Two kinds of history files can be output, "primary" or "auxiliary". A primary history file is always output, whereas auxiliary files are optional. The exact contents of the primary file may be customized using namelist variables PRIMARY and EXCLUDE. Auxiliary history files are created only if requested by the user via namelist variable AUXF. Up to five auxiliary history files can be declared if namelist variable INITHIST is set to 'NONE' and four otherwise.
History files may be examined by various postprocessors. One example is the CCM Modular Processor, which still exists but is no longer maintained. Alternatively, "ccm2nc", a tool to convert ccm-history files to netCDF format, is now supported. This allows a user to employ any of a number of available tools (both commercial and share-ware) to visualize or otherwise analyze their output history files. Examples include the "CSM Processor" NCAR Graphics package, FERRET, ncview, MATLAB, AVS, IDL, and Yorick. For a list of software tools for interacting with netCDF files view the UNIDATA netCDF web-site:
Values recorded for fields on a history file can be represented in one of four different ways. Data may be time averaged since the last write to the history file, instantaneous, or point-by-point maximum or minimum over the time interval. Namelist variable NINAVG(i) controls this function (index "i" here refers to the file index, 1 means the primary file, 2 means 1st auxiliary, etc.). Possible values are 'A' - time averaged, 'I' - instantaneous, 'M' - point minimum, 'X' - point maximum, and 'Q' - monthly averaged ('Q' is allowed only to apply to the primary history file). The default value for each history file is 'A'. Fields in a history file are each of the type indicated by NINAVG(i), except ORO and PHIS which are always instantaneous.
The time frequency at which data are written to the history file is specified by NHTFRQ(i). As an example, consider the namelist input shown in Example 5. Here, NHTFRQ(1)=72 and NINAVG is set to 'A'. Every 72 timesteps a time sample of data is written to the primary history file, with each field being time averaged over the previous 72 timesteps.
The number of time samples written to a single history file, primary or auxiliary, is set via namelist variable MFILT(i). The packing density of fields in each history file is set with namelist variable NDENS(i) (only available on an NCAR Cray). This namelist variable should only be 1, 2, or 4. A packing density of 4 to 1 (NDENS(i)=4) could result in significant loss of precision.
Refer to Table 2.5 and Table
2.6 in Sec. 2.2 for a complete
description of all history file namelist variables.
Table 2.13: Master Field List
A namelist option is available to produce a monthly-averaged
primary history file. By setting NINAVG(1)='Q', the fields on
the primary history file (excluding PHIS and ORO which
are always instantaneous) will be averaged over the period beginning from
the first timestep of the current month up to and including the last timestep
of that month. Each monthly averaged history file will contain exactly
one time slice of data, regardless of the values of MFILT(1) and
NHTFRQ. In addition to those fields shown as "on" by default in
the Master Field List, a monthly-averaged primary history file includes
14 other fields by default. These fields are shown in Table
2.14. Due to these additional fields, the history buffer will
require additional memory whether stored in-core, or out-of-core on the
SSD. For a standard T42 resolution, the memory request should be
increased by 1Mw for a monthly averaged run over what would be required
if the run were not monthly averaged. See "Creating
and Running the Executable" for information about specifying memory.
As with any field on the history file, the additional fields may be excluded
from the primary file using the EXCLUDE namelist variable.
Table 2.14: Additional Fields on a Monthly-Averaged Primary History File
VT | vT | Meridional heat transport | N | K*m/s |
VZ | vz | Meridional transport of gravitational potential energy | N | m3/s3 |
VQ | vq | Meridional water transport | N | m/s |
VVPUU | v2+u2 | Kinetic energy | N | m2/s2 |
RELHUM | RH | Relative humidity | N | fraction |
Z3 | z | Geopotential height (above sea level) | N | m |
MQ | ![]() |
Water mass | N | Kg/m2 |
PSL | Psl | Sea level pressure | 1 | Pa |
OMEGAUP | ![]() |
Average of omega when vertical motion is up | N | Pa/s |
NUMOMGUP | ![]() |
Percentage of time vertical motion is up | N | fraction |
CLOUDUP | ![]() |
Average of cloud when vertical motion is up | N | fraction |
DPSLON | ![]() |
Longitudinal derivative of surface pressure | N | m/s2 |
DPSLAT | ![]() |
Latitudinal derivative of surface pressure | N | m/s2 |
Why would a user want to write an auxiliary history file? Perhaps there are additional fields resulting from a new parameterization which should be reported more frequently than the primary history file fields. The auxiliary file provides a means of doing this while avoiding the waste of resources required to write the primary file more frequently. The use of namelist variable AUXF in declaring two auxiliary history files is demonstrated in "Example 5 -- Branch Run" . An auxiliary file may contain any number of fields up to the number of fields on the Master Field List. Fields may be removed from the primary file and placed on an auxiliary file for the added convenience of smaller
Naming of the auxiliary history files is very similar to the primary
history file. The first auxiliary file is named with an "ha" followed
by a four-digit number. The second auxiliary history file is named with
an "hb" followed by a four-digit number, etc. Thus, files named
ha0001, ha0002,... will be generated for the first
auxiliary history file, and hb0001, hb0002,...
for the second auxiliary history file, etc.
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